Following the tragic dead of Herbert Onyewumbu Wigwe, in a helicopter crash on 9 February 2024, whom until his dead was the Group Managing Director and CEO of Access Bank PLC, Access Holdings, the parent company of Access Bank has appointed Bolaji Agbede, an executive director at the company as interim CEO.
This was confirmed today, in a statement by Access Holdings.
The chairman of Access Holdings, Abubakar Jimoh made the statement which was published on the NGX. He said “The appointment of Agbede is in alignment with our robust succession planning practices,”
“We are strongly convinced that Agbede, being the company’s most senior executive, would provide the much-needed leadership to steer the company towards the attainment of its strategic vision.”
Aboard the ill-fated helicopter was Wigwe, his wife, son, and three other passengers.
The new acting GCEO Agbede holds a bachelor’s degree in Mathematics and Statistics from the University of Lagos (1990) and a Master of Business Administration degree from Cranfield University in 2002. She is also a member of the Chartered Institute of Management UK and the Chartered Institute of Personnel Management of Nigeria.
Prior to her recent appointment, she has been been the bank’s most senior founding Executive Director in Business Support for two years.