Home » Remote Jobs: High Paying Digital Marketing Skills In-Demand

Remote Jobs: High Paying Digital Marketing Skills In-Demand

by Abiodun Lawal
Published: Last Updated on

This article will expose you to selected digital marketing skills needed for remote jobs and help you to explore the basic foundational approaches, insights, and knowledge needed to navigate for an integrated experience on digital platforms.

What is Digital Marketing?

Digital marketing is the act of promoting content or brands to get to the ideal customers to make them perform an action through the internet or online means.

If you want a career that offers freedom with high paying digital skills, flexible and remote options then digital marketing is the right option. After the 2019 pandemic, several businesses have tilted toward a remote working environment, which has given employees with digital marketing skills an edge over their counterparts without such skills.

Why You Need Digital Marketing Skills

  1. Digital marketing skills can help you land a high-paying job as everything revolves around the digital ecosystem.
  2. It can help you reach a wider audience, understand their needs, and generate more revenue.
  3. Digital marketing is one of the most sought-after careers in recent times since the internet has become a digital highway where all categories of people spend more than 80% of their productive time. Since the digital marketer’s job is to promote content on this digital highway (internet) and cause customers perform an action, it is imperative to understand the needed techniques and best practices for a successful career.
  4. We usually find ads of different formats displayed on our social media platforms and search engines. Behind such ads is a digital marketer whose target is you.

Digital marketing is an emerging field thus what works today may not be effective tomorrow that is why it is important to keep pace with trends and changes with multiple tools and techniques.

Profitable Digital Marketing Skills For Remote Jobs

Digital marketing has many domains that include Search engine optimization, social media marketing, email marketing, digital analytics, etc.

1. Social Media Marketing

Since people spend a lot of time having fun, charting and doing business on social digital platforms, digital marketers have evolved ways to promote their brands and reach their customers through social media platforms with user-friendly and tailored ads. Facebook has over 22% of the world’s population as its users while Instagram has over 52% of users, Digital marketers communicate with prospective clients and build large followings for brands as the more you are following, the more you will likely reach more clients at a time.

Social media marketers, executives, or managers are in high demand to professionally operate the various profiles owned by organizations to be able to properly convey the brand’s voice on social media.

2. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

A search engine provides several answers to queries from thousands per second daily. Proper SEO helps your content to rank top on the web. When a search is made, search engines display the best suitable and optimized content available to the searcher at a given period.

SEO attracts traffic to websites. SEO increases ranking on digital platforms and creates brand awareness thereby increasing trust and sales.

The vast majority of businesses today own websites, thus, SEO specialists are in high demand to create links on a website, optimize it for search results, analyze web data, and interpret digital analytics.

3. Content Marketing

Good content marketing builds trust and increases sales as it attracts unique visitors.

When you see a video, text, or web article online always know that it is the deliberate result of a content marketer.

Contents are tailored based on the needs of the organization. You need to figure out the right content to promote on specific platforms, as not all content is good for all platforms.

Content marketing is one of the very lucrative digital marketing skills today and its demand will continue to increase. The role of a content marketers or content creators is pivotal for all organizations that have an online presence and require engaging, informative, and high-quality content.

4. Email Marketing

Email marketing is one of the most effective digital marketing channels used by companies. Virtually all content can be effectively marketed by email through the newsletter.

The digital marketer’s job here is to ensure that more people sign up for your mailing list familiarize themselves with email tools, create catchy content, and convert subscribers into customers.


The above list of high paying digital skills is just a representation of some of the numerous digital marketing skills required to take on a remote job. They contribute in various ways to the success of a marketing ecosystem, especially in the era of virtual work.

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